Robin Roo Casino No Deposit Bonus Codes
Robin Roo Casino has updated its site since our last visit. As it says on the main page, "Join the Hood!" When you join the "hood," expect to receive the best casino bonuses and promotions and the best online gaming experience for Aussies. The casino accepts Bitcoin, among other payment methods, and is compatible with mobile devices such as iPhones, iPads, Windows, and Blackberry.
No Deposit Bonus Code at Robin Roo Casino
Players who sign up will receive 25 Free Spins, No Deposit Bonus on Plentiful Treasure Slots. No code is required.
Welcome Bonuses and Promotions at Robin Roo Casino
- The welcome bonus at RobinRoo Casino is a package bonus of $10,000 plus 250 Free Spins. The promotion is valid for new players on their first five deposits.
- 1st Deposit: 200% up to $2000 plus 50 SPINS on Cash Bandits 3
- 2nd Deposit: 125% up to $2000 plus 50 SPINS on Storm Lords
- 3rd Deposit: 135% up to $2000 plus 50 SPINS on Sweet 16
- 4th Deposit: 150% up to $2000 plus 50 SPINS on God Of Wealth
- 5th Deposit: 250% up to $2000 plus 50 SPINS on Cleopatra's Gold
Robin's daily Cashbackcashback is 10% of all player's deposits played without bonuses. The maximum amount of Cashbackcashback is $500 per day.
Comp Points
- Get 1 Comp Point for every $10 in bets on all pokies, keno, bingo, scratch cards, board games, and every $30 in wagers on selected table games.
- Once players have more than 100 Comp Points, they can redeem them at the rate of 100 Comps = $1 No Wager Bonus.
Missions and Rewards Store at Robin Roo Casino
- Carefully read each mission task.
- Earn points for each mission completed.
- Earn additional points on your deposits:
- 20 points for every deposit
- 50 points for deposits between $100 - $249
- 100 points for deposits of $250 or more
- Level up as you progress through different missions.
- Each level has its own set of missions to unlock and complete
- There are daily, weekly, and monthly leaderboards.
- Earn Leaderboard points by completing each mission and deposit.
- Shop and spend your points at the Rewards Store.
- Collect enough points and purchase Bonuses, Free Spins, and cash bonuses. The minimum number of points to make a purchase is 100.
VIP Program
VIP members will receive the benefits of exclusive VIP Bonuses, VIP Loyalty Points, Big Withdrawals, Faster Cash Outs, and a Personal Host.
Category of Games
Play Featured Games, Pokies, Table Games, Video Poker, and Jackpots.
The Latest Games at Robin Roo Casino
Enjoy playing Plentiful Treasures, Sweet 16, Cash Bandits 2, T-Rex II, Storm Lords, Builder Beaver, Asgard, Cleopatra's Gold, Magic Mushroom, Caesar's Empire, Aladdin Wishes, and Gemtopia.
New Game Bonus
- Robin Roo Casino has declared many winners playing the new Fortunate Buddha Slots. Players can scroll to the main page to view the winners. Offers are available to all depositing players.
- Check with the Cashier to access and redeem the code and deposit to activate your coupon.
- The minimum deposit is $20 to claim the offers.
- The maximum bonus is $500.
- Bet limits are a maximum of $10.