Sportsbook Betting Trends

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From the year 2015 to 2023, the total amount of money produced by the sports betting industry rose from a considerable $91.8 billion to an impressive $118.6 billion. Much of this has been due to the opening of the floodgates with the emergence to prominence of the mobile device revolution. A close analysis of the results from several sportsbook betting trends can point you in the right direction of which methods are favorable, and thus increase your chances of a positive return on your bets.

The Reason for the Explosion of Sports Betting Trends

There are likely numerous small reasons here and there, but we shall focus on what looks to be the major ones. To this end, the explosion of options is certainly the top reason. In the past, you were always able to place a bet on the major team sports like soccer, football (American), professional basketball, baseball and hockey. Today, with the growth and expanse of technology and reach, esoteric sporting events like handball, racquetball, table tennis and even cricket are big draws. One of the most unlikely new additions that has taken the sports betting world by storm is the eSport. This involves video game tournaments that host very well-known games. You can actually bet on the teams as to who would win or come away with the best score.

All of the above and more have seen a decidedly permanent movement away from the offline gamblign establishments, towards the online sportsbooks and casino gaming palaces. There’s nothing more freeing than being able to place bets on the go, while you’re at work on a lunch break, or while you’re waiting in a long line for your driver’s license renewal or something. In the past, bettors would have to bite their fingernails all day at work, waiting for the clock to signal the end of the work day, that they might rush home and log onto their desktop computers to see whether they won or lost - or to place a bet based on research they might have performed earlier. With these realities front and center, let us now take a look at the sports betting trends that the title of this article promised.

Trend 1: Women Engage in Sports Betting These Days

Although this has been a thing for some time now, it was only in the year 2018 that detailed statistics started being taken on female involvement in the sportsbook world, and how this has contributed to the sports betting trends. Although it has grown substantially, the ratio is still 15 men to every single woman who indulge in the sports betting endeavor. For some reason or other, the powers that be have determined that this suggests inequality, and so the new trend is to try and get women hooked into it in greater numbers.

Breaking down the numbers further, we see that the type of women who engages in sports betting tends to be the 30 and under crowd. Given that it is a business as much as it is entertainment, the goal going forward will be to try and get more and more members of the female gender involved - which means that you should expect to start seeing offers, schemes and bonuses that either exclusively target women, or that give the appearance of being equal-opportunity while in actuality only really being of benefit to the fair sex. No matter which way it pans out, getting more and more women involved is definitely a sports betting trend for the coming years.

Trend 2: A Ratcheting Up of Digital Promotion Methods

Although this rather obvious trend is in conjunction with the above Trend 1, a stark increase in the number of novel marketing strategies in the virtual space simply has to happen in such a competitive endeavor. Every casino is trying to garner your patronage, after all, and the more digital mediums that exist through which they can ply their trade, the better.

To this end, gone are the days when television commercials and radio dominated the marketing spectrum. Now, you can have an independent media source that is capable of reaching millions of followers, sometimes outstripping even the major conventional media in certain cases. Alternatively, you can leverage a massive website such as Facebook to promote your sports betting services. If Facebook isn’t your thing, then simply buy Google or Microsoft Bing advertising space in order to get as wide a reach as possible. Even Twitter, which is albeit in its dying gasps as a platform because of its one-sided censorship of free speech, still has loads of traffic - enough to perhaps warrant a full scale assault on the digital media promotion front.

As with all promotion, the trick is to sell the public on your service by providing value; what better way than to focus on what the public wants? Welcome Bonuses, enticing promotion offers for members and more should see off well in.

Trend 3: Expect Greater Usage of Credit Cards to Establish Casino Accounts

This particular trend is one of the easiest to predict, given the surge in numbers of sports bettors and casino gamers who have used their Visa and MasterCards to open up accounts. It has truly exploded in the past few years for some reason; the primary reason may be a a subpar level of trust with the very novelty of online gambling spots. Since credit card companies provide several extra layers of protection between the person and the company, people are eschewing the usage of their direct bank accounts and opting for web wallets, credit cards and even digital currency (namely, Bitcoin).

On the other side, but also on the same hand, it is simply more efficient to use and accept credit card payments. With this, you needn’t worry about a casino or sportsbook vendor storing your bank account and routing number; the ultra-wealthy buffers of the $280 billion conglomerate, Visa, and the similarly filthy rich $284.4 billion MasterCard, act to mediate the exchange. They’ve got otherworldly encryption, and the lawyers to back any intrusions, so your money is safe with them.

Trend 4: An Increasing Number of Added Sports for Betting

Apparently, the lust for sports and events in the betting sphere knows no limits, and the public is receptive to even the most obscure professional team activities when it comes to gambling. Although the existing sportsbooks already have a plethora of options available, there are nonetheless certain restrictions to govern the current events. As the remaining months move forward into the next year and beyond, look for many of those restrictions to be relaxed to meet the public demand.

The most obvious evidence of this trend will make itself known quite simply: when you head to the sportsbooks to sign up, you will likely find a new menu that is dedicated entirely to local sporting events. Anything that requires more than perhaps two people to play, and that can be viably played professionally or semi-professionally, will be fair game for gambling and sports betting in the year to come. This may even become a primary way to leverage traffic to the major sports, as people look more and more to connect with other gamblers online.